Home Birth Team LeaderinTelfordinTelfordPUBLISHED FRI 1 DEC 2023

Band 7: £46,148 to £52,809 a year per annum/pro rata  SECONDMENT 

For full duties and responsibilities please refer to the attached document entitled Job Description.

Establish and lead a dedicated Home Birth Team that will provide all aspects of care to women who choose home birth as their place of birth.

To function as an expert clinical practitioner within their designated clinical area.

To deliver direct patient care whilst managing, leading, coordinating and overseeing midwifery practice within the Home Birth Team.

The postholder will be responsible for ensuring there is 24 hour cover, with continuing responsibility for the co-ordination and monitoring of all clinical activities within their designated clinical areas.

To ensure that there is efficient and effective utilisation of all resources required to deliver optimum quality care to their client group, in accordance with NMC, Trust and local policies.

The postholder will deputise for the Senior Leadership Team in their absence, driving forward evidence based practice and taking responsibility for the support and guidance of staff and the policies and practices that operate within their clinical area.

Liaise Closely with Director of Midwifery and the Senior Leadership team.

To maintain a high standard of midwifery care through assessing, planning, implementation and evaluating the needs of all women and pregnant people to ensure safe effective high quality care. Working closely with the Consultant Midwife, and wider MDT / SLT as required.

To be responsible for the management of their clinical area/defined workload, effectively leading, motivating, supporting and directing staff to ensure that the client receives a high standard of care and that time and resources are managed through effective teamwork.

To ensure that staff have a clear understanding of their duties and responsibilities and of the standards of performance and conduct expected of them.

To deputise for Senior Leadership Team and represent the Women and Children's Division as required. Participate in on-site maternity bleep and off-site management rotas for the Women and Children's Division.

To work with the Senior Leadership Team to ensure that an appropriate managerial and professional infrastructure is in place to support the delivery of services and functional requirements within their clinical area.

To work with all members of the multi-professional team to develop services that meet organisational and contractual requirements.

To contribute and positively influence the total client experience.

Formulate, review and implement clinical policies and guidelines within the area of responsibility.


Locations are approximate. Learn more