Applications are invited for 4 Teaching Fellow vacancies with responsibility for teaching:
Candidates may request that the clinical duties of this post be attached to any sub-specialty Service at Moorfields Eye Hospital (with clinical work at any of the hospitals clinical sites).
Candidates should be at least at a level of ST3 (or equivalent) and be able to provide evidence of formal and informal teaching experience. Those nearing the end of their clinical training (or post CCT) candidates are welcome to apply.
Clinical Duties:
The clinical duties of this post are to be undertaken in a manner satisfactory to the Service Director.
Teaching Duties
This is a post within Moorfields Eye Hospital and can be associated with a subspecialty department of the candidates choice within the Hospital. It will mainly involve sessions at City Road and St George's, but can include sessions at any of the Moorfields satellite units.
Applicants at the final stages of their training are very welcome.There are no on-call or regular surgical sessions associated with this post. The post is not recognised towards completion of continuum of training (CCT).This is a fulltime post. Part-time working may be arranged.The teaching timetable is known in advance, but will change from week to week. The post holder will have a timetable with 8 PA and 2 SPA/ RSTA sessions a week. Over the period of the year, 50-60% of the post holders weekly time is spent on teaching duties with 40-50% on clinical work and associated duties.
Training, Quality Improvement and Research (into Educational Methods and Clinical Ophthalmology) is very much encouraged and there may be an opportunity to undertake a distance learning degree in Medical Education for all those interested who stay in post for 1 year or more.
Teaching fellows undertaking / holding higher degrees in medical education are particularly welcome. Every effort is made to allow sufficient time for medical education study and research in order to ensure completion of higher degrees and publications in the 12 months period of the teaching fellowship.
The PGcert level higher degree in medical education is part funded by the department and time for fulfilling course assignments and CPD / journal club events can be organised.