Therapy AssistantinSheffieldinSheffieldPUBLISHED SUN 17 DEC 2023

Band 3: Depending on experience Dependent on experience  PERMANENT 

General requirementsTo communicate effectively and work collaboratively, as a practitioner,with health, social care and voluntary team colleagues to assist in thedelivery of a co-ordinated multi agency service within the complexitiesof a community environment and care pathwaysTo work as an autonomous practitioner and as a lone worker in thecommunityTo independently implement therapy intervention and care packagesaccording to agreed plans , requesting support from the therapists asrequired and being aware of own limitations.To undertake administrative and any other duties, which may beallocated by the Operational Team Manager within the general scopeof the post, and appropriate to the grade, after negotiation, adequatetraining and appropriate supervision (e.g. lead projects to review andimprove service delivery)

Principal dutiesClinical:To manage a designated caseload of adult clients with neurologicalpresentations under supervision and delegation, working in conjunctionwith other members of the team and seeking support as requiredTo demonstrate initiative and contribute towards ensuring a highstandard of clinical care for clients receiving therapeutic programmesas part of inter/multidisciplinary working.To work generically assisting OT, PT, SLT and Psychology staff asappropriate to area of work.To accept clinical responsibility for patient case load and to organisethis effectively and efficiently with regard to clinical priorities and use oftime, asking for support when necessary.To be legally responsible and accountable for all aspects of your ownwork including the management of patients in your care ensuring a highstandard of clinical care for the patients under your management.To complete clinical outcome measures under the direction of qualifiedTherapists in order to achieve goals with patients.

Undertake day to day assessment of patients mental health andphysical levels of function and their capacity to undertake activities andmodify treatment appropriately and according to senior guidance.To demonstrate awareness of mental capacity, informed consent andthe legal framework required for clients who lack capacity to consent totreatment, requesting support from qualified Therapists as appropriate.To demonstrate awareness of when patients require furtherassessment by a qualified therapist or other external health/social careprofessional, liaise with senior staff and complete onward referrals asappropriate.To demonstrate a broad knowledge of conditions and disordersobserved in people with Long Term Neurological Conditions.To demonstrate skills in dealing with disclosure of complex, sensitive orcontentious information by clients and carers. To recognise theimportance of passing this to qualified staff.To communicate effectively and work collaboratively, underprofessional guidance, with health, social care and voluntary teamcolleagues to assist in the delivery of a co-ordinated multi agencyservice within a community environment and care pathways

Under professional guidance, to provide planned advice, teaching,training and instruction to relatives, carers and other professionals, toensure a consistent approach to patient care and treatment e.g. movingand handling, use of communication aids, strategies for cognitivedeficits.To prepare and compile materials/equipment for use in therapy e.g.communication charts and aids, as required by therapists.To provide therapeutic interventions in working conditions which mayfrequently be hazardous e.g. exposure to body fluids, aggressivepersons, visits to high risk areas and associated travel risks.To undertake frequent therapeutic handling and moving of patients,with or without aids and equipment utilising moderate physical effortwithin clinical and non-clinical settings. This may involve bending,kneeling or frequent repetitive activities often in confined restrictedplaces.To work with patients, carers, relatives who may have barriers tounderstanding, distressing or challenging social/clinical circumstancesor behaviours.

To be responsible for the day to day planning, management andprioritisation of own workload, under guidance and supervision fromsenior staff on a regular basis.To be an active member of appropriate clinical working groups withinLTNC to ensure policies, procedures and governance are maintained indaily practice.To organise and plan appropriate venues for the provision of groupactivities taking into account patients physical and mental healthcapabilities, under guidance from senior staff.To demonstrate effective infection control and hygiene practice of selfand equipment.To monitor stock and maintain equipment, making recommendationsabout ordering.To contribute to the effective selection and ordering of equipment, itsfitting and safe instruction in its use to patients and carers.To develop dexterity, co-ordination and sensory skills for manualtreatment of patients with LTNC.To demonstrate auditory and perceptual skills when working withclients with communication difficulties.To maintain and update technical skills e.g. use and modification ofequipment and softwareTo demonstrate skills to enable the client in areas of self-maintenance,productivity and leisure.To provide training and advice on lifestyle changes and adaptations tothe clients social and physical environment under direction andguidance.

Leadership:To actively contribute towards service and operational developmentthrough leadership forums e.g microsystems, peer supervision,research and project managementTo promote the understanding of the role of the therapy assistant totherapy students and other health and social care staff.To promote awareness of your role within the team, locally andnationally.

Service development;To participate in designated projects in relation to service design,development and delivery within LTNC services.To participate in research and audit projects relevant to LTNC services.To maintain accurate, comprehensive and up to date data and statisticsfor the use of the departmentTo comply with the requirements of SHSC in relation to policy,governance and legislation and to review and update policy andprocedure as appropriate e.g infection control, information governanceetc

Professional:To ensure client confidentiality when dealing with complex cases,multiple agencies and the community setting.To be professionally and legally responsible and accountable for allaspects of work including confidentiality, note writing and in line withprofessional codes of conduct.To promote awareness of the role of the post holders profession withinthe team, trust, locally and nationally.To contribute towards supervision and assessment of students fromHigher Education institutions and work collaboratively towardsstandards of clinical and professional tutoring.To participate in the staff appraisal scheme, Personal DevelopmentPlan (PDP), LTNC staff induction, provision of clinical and professionalsupervision to junior staff and contribute to training programmes forLong Term Neurological Conditions staff.To comply with requirements for clinical supervision and reflect, underguidance from senior staff on ethical issues through evidence collectedin supervision notes. To contribute to peer supervision across LTNCservicesTo respect the individuality, values, cultural and religious diversity ofclients and contribute to the provision of a service sensitive to theseneeds

Why not consider a job in Sheffield?

Sheffield has an excellent reputation as 'the outdoor city' with a multi-cultural population, good transport links with the rest of the UK, a host of independent retailers, excellent food outlets, cinemas, theatres and 2 highly-rated Universities that provide AHP, nursing and medical training.

We are offering an opportunity to join a highly specialist, friendly team. It is ideal for someone to specialise in working with people with neurological conditions, who has the enthusiasm and motivation to help people achieve what is important to them. We are keen to recruit staff who want to contribute to change and continue to shape our services for the future.

There is one other Therapy Assistant and a Specialist Therapy Assistant in the NES and a wider team of AHPs, case managers, clinical / neuro psychologists.

We want you to be part of ongoing reflection and service development / quality improvement and optimising the patient experience and outcomes. There is a strong commitment to PPI work and co-production; In service training programme and supervision.

We are able to provide significant financial support for CPD.

Please read on for more information, and do give us a call if you want to discuss anything in more detail.

To work as a member of the interdisciplinary team with adults withcomplex needs, resulting from congenital or acquired - progressive ortraumatic neurological disorders. It is expected that Therapy Assistantworking at this grade would seek appropriate support as required.

Assist in the management of patients within protocols led by qualifiedstaff in the community setting. Implement therapy treatmentprogrammes in the community and complete patient records.

To develop skills and knowledge through participation in regularsupervision and In-service training.

To participate in the planning, development and evaluation of serviceswithin a designated area/team, contributing towards defined projects.

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