Mental Health PractitionerinBlackpoolinBlackpoolPUBLISHED WED 22 MAY 2024

Band 5: £28,407 to £42,618 a year per annum  PERMANENT 

Please see attached the job description and person specification for more information about this role

This is an exciting and new opportunity for a Registered Mental Health Practitioner to join the Home Based Treatment Team within the Fylde coast locality on a developmental post, the successful candidate will start as a band 5 and works towards achieving a competency framework to allow progression to band 6

The Home Based Treatment Team (HBTT) offers 24 hour support to service users, and their families/carers, who are suffering from mental health concerns that would otherwise require admission to an acute inpatient environment. There is a strong focus on the recovery model, providing therapeutic interventions and risk management skills to allow care to be provided within a community setting.

The Home Based Treatment Team (HBTT) are always striving towards excellence in service delivery, ensuring quality is at the forefront of all we do.

Successful applicants will be provided with a full induction to the team and will have regular clinical supervision sessions and an opportunity to complete their appraisal focusing on their personal and career development. Furthermore the successful candidate will have the opportunity to be supported by a mentor within the team to support meeting competency frameworks set to become a band 6 practitioner within the HBTT

You will be a mental health (MH) practitioner working within a multidisciplinary team and carry out a diverse range of duties.

You will be expected to work across a 7 day service which includes both day and night shifts.

The successful applicant will be dynamic and forward thinking with the ability to work as part of a Team and in partnership with local services, there will be an expectation that the successful applicant will undertake night duty and uphold the Trust values at all times.

As a Band 5 MH practitioner within the team you will be regularly supported and supervised by a nominated Band 6 Nurse and you will be encouraged to take personal responsibility for clinical supervision and your continued professional development plan.

You will actively promote teamwork, respect, integrity, accountability, excellence and compassion within the clinical team in accordance with the Trust values and Code of Conduct.

You will provide support to the nurse leadership within the multidisciplinary team and ensure the effective assessment, formulation, planning and monitoring of care given to service users.

You will exercise professional accountability and responsibility using skills, knowledge and expertise in changing environments, across clinical boundaries and in unfamiliar situations as outlined within the NMC Code of Professional Conduct.

You will be required to offer clinical and managerial leadership to none registered staff and nursing associate as part of your role within the team.


Locations are approximate. Learn more