Clinical Fellow in Paediatric CEW ServiceinBirminghaminBirminghamPUBLISHED SAT 23 DEC 2023

The duties are to develop expertise in complex childhood obesity, endocrinology and diabetes, including other aspects of tertiary endocrinology and bone disease, perform audit, deliver on CPD, and engage in teaching and in clinical research.

The successful applicant is expected to take active part in undergraduate and postgraduate medical education and the training of other relevant staff groups. This includes the mentoring of junior medical staff.

The Department is heavily committed in clinical and translational research. The applicant is encouraged to engage in clinical research and assist in recruitment of clinical trials.

The appointee will be expected to participate in all aspects of the Clinical Governance structure developed by the Trust to monitor, maintain and develop the quality and effectiveness of care. The Trust is committed to the development of medical staff through individual appraisal. This will include audit of personal clinical practice as well as involvement in department/specialty reviews; attention to continuing professional development and to meeting the requirements for Continuing Medical Education defined by the relevant Royal College (and for which appropriate study leave support will be available); awareness of professional standards and the responsibility to undertake safe and ethical clinical practice; the importance of responding promptly to any circumstances which may result in increased clinical risk or adverse outcome. Funding is available for approved study leave as defined in the Trusts study leave policy.

The appointee will be expected to provide cross-cover for specialist registrars during periods of leave and short-term sickness absence.

The Birmingham Women's and Children's Hospital Foundation Trust is seeking to recruit an enthusiastic, motivated individual to join the Complications of Excess Weight (CEW) service at the department of endocrinology and diabetes on a fixed term contract for 12 months.

This full-time training post is designed to train the applicant in delivering care for children and young people living with obesity being part of the CEW service, a new nationally commissioned service based in our tertiary centre. However, it is not recognised for training by the Postgraduate Dean and does not form part of the paediatric run-through training programme.

The post holder must have passed the RCPCH membership exam (MRCPCH, or equivalent), and reached ST4 (or equivalent) in paediatric training. Therefore, this post is an Out Of Programme Experience (OOPE) post, subject to approval by the applicant's local deanery. Applicants should have previous paediatric endocrine exposure and research interest.

The post holder will work with the MDT involved in the clinical management of children and adolescents with severe obesity and related medical complications, and alongside other specialties (for example: respiratory, liver) to formulate clinical pathways, standard operating procedures, taking clinical queries and advising on appropriate management. The successful applicant will also be involved in delivering service at regional spoke hubs for the CEW service. There will also be opportunities to strengthen clinical experience in endocrinology. The post holder will also be encouraged and supported to be involved in clinical projects and research activities.There is no commitment to acute/general paediatrics, hospital@night and on-call involved.

The successful candidate will, throughout the duration of the clinical fellow post, have a timetable that allows for protected CPD and will be supported to get involved in clinical audit. There is no on call commitment for this post.


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