Would you like to work as a Health Visitor in one of the most diverse and vibrant areas of London?
These are exciting times for our Health Visiting service. We work closely together as a team of Health Visitors, as well as members of the wider skill mix team including Public Health Staff Nurses and Community Nursery Nurses
Our health visitors are essential to help improve the health and wellbeing of children and families in City and Hackney., offering early intervention and valuable support…
We are looking for Health Visitors who share our values and vision for a high quality and personalised health visiting service to the people who need it most. You will be responsible for delivering the Healthy Child Programme and will be aligned to one of the local Neighbourhoods.
We offer great opportunities for you to learn and develop in the role. As well as a comprehensive induction programme, so you can hit the ground running, we also offer a preceptorship for newly qualified Health Visitors, regular management and safeguarding supervision and appraisal. . Homerton Healthcare employees also qualify for the inner London weighting allowance.
Would you like to work as a Health Visitor in one of the most diverse and vibrant areas of London?
These are exciting times for our Health Visiting service. We work closely together as a team of Health Visitors, as well as members of the wider skill mix team including Public Health Staff Nurses and Community Nursery Nurses
Our health visitors are essential to help improve the health and wellbeing of children and families in City and Hackney., offering early intervention and valuable support…
We are looking for Health Visitors who share our values and vision for a high quality and personalised health visiting service to the people who need it most. You will be responsible for delivering the Healthy Child Programme and will be aligned to one of the local Neighbourhoods.
We offer great opportunities for you to learn and develop in the role. As well as a comprehensive induction programme, so you can hit the ground running, we also offer a preceptorship for newly qualified Health Visitors, regular management and safeguarding supervision and appraisal. . Homerton Healthcare employees also qualify for the inner London weighting allowance.