Provide and receive highly complex, sensitive or contentious information.
Present complex, sensitive or contentious information to large groups and communicate in challenging situations. This will include where performance standards are not being met or where changes to services are proposed as part of improvement plans.
Motivational skills to encourage collaborative working to improve performance where there may be resistance to change. Presents workshops to large groups of staff.
The postholder will need to work with a range of internal and external stakeholders relating to their portfolio. These will include:
The postholder will be responsible for informal and formal communication within, and external to, the ICB relating to their area of responsibility.
The PIA function will be an intelligence led function. The postholder will need to develop, interpret and act upon a range of complex information. This will include quantitative and qualitative data. It will include retrospective information as well as use of predictive models.
The post holder will need to present and engage upon this information to form plans and compare options regarding performance improvement
The postholder will use this information as a basis for engagement with relevant localities, system boards and providers to understand performance and agree improvement plans where this is required.
The postholder will use external sources of intelligence, particularly benchmarking information, to inform planning, developing options and decision making.
The PIA function works to a principle that the objectives of NHS GM should benefit all the populations of Greater Manchester. This means information should be presented and understood across geography, protected characteristics, deprivation and co-morbidity (where this might risk an inequity of outcome).
The postholder will work with autonomy, determining the priorities of themselves and their team. They will hold leadership responsibility for a portfolio of performance and improvement responsibilities. This will include national objectives as set out in annual planning documents and system oversight framework. It will also include ambitions set out in the Greater Manchester strategy and Joint forward plan.
The postholder will need to plan and organise a range of complex activities; formulates, adjust plans and strategies.
Planning will include monthly, quarterly, annual and multi-year time horizons. The postholder will focus on in-year planning and delivery. They will develop plans for new ways of working, facilitate collaborative working linked to performance and service improvement.
The postholder will need to understand national policy requirements; areas of best practice; local strategy and associated performance goals.
On a yearly basis there will need to be a plan for annual and longer term activities to secure ongoing performance achievement. This will be refreshed periodically through the course of the year as appropriate.
The postholder will need to agree the priorities and responsibilities of their team on an annual and monthly basis.
The postholder will support the Head of Performance and improvement to undertake the annual planning process including work with finance, workforce, strategy and quality.
The postholder will support the development and continuous development of the performance and improvement framework for NHS GM.
They will develop standard operating procedures for the range of activities for the team and their areas of responsibility. They will specifically include the basis for engagement with localities, system boards and provider organisations which set out roles and responsibilities; the means of liaison; and escalation. It will also include development of performance improvement planning arrangements. They will ensure these procedures are implemented for their portfolio and by their team.
The performance, improvement and assurance function is part of the Delivery directorate of NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care (NHS GM).
The Performance, improvement and assurance function will assure and enable delivery of NHS GM objectives. Its responsibilities are:
Development and monitoring of performance frameworks
Agreement and monitoring of performance improvement plans to ensure delivery against key objectives
Generating insight and intelligence to understand and improve performance
Undertake assurance role linked to NHSE and ICB governance frameworks
Provider oversight and escalation
Annual and mid-year planning linked to national guidance
Long term view of sustainable delivery
The Performance, improvement and assurance function will deliver its responsibilities through.
A core GM team focussed on high level planning, assurance and performance improvement
Performance management and improvement built into locality and system board structures
Working across ICB and ICS to promote continuous improvement
The function is led by the Director of performance, improvement and assurance and is made up of three teams.
Performance analytics (part of NHS GM data, intelligence and insight function)
Performance and improvement
Planning and assurance
The Performance and Improvement manager will hold a senior role within the team. Key relationships will be with the localities and system boards who have responsibility for delivery of ICB and national objectives. The team will also work directly with provider organisations, including as part of the ICB's provider oversight role.
Specifically they will support the Head of Performance and improvement take responsibility for the following for their portfolio areas:-
o Contribution to performance and improvement and delivery of ICB commissioned services and objectives. Lead on a range of programmes addressing performance service issues.
o Support design performance frameworks linked to ICB objectives (national and locally determined)
o Improvement capacity and capability to support development and monitoring of performance improvement plans to deliver national planning requirements and GM objectives.
o Liaison with officers within localities, system boards and ICB directorates regarding performance and associated improvement plans
o Support provider intervention in line with escalation process in GM or as part of provider oversight model (SOF and Tiering)
o Liaison with other ICB functions e.g. quality and contracting, to identify, understand and act upon performance risk.
o Performance relating to providers outside of system board or locality scope.
o Contribute to the annual planning process.
Provide and receive highly complex, sensitive or contentious information.
Present complex, sensitive or contentious information to large groups and communicate in challenging situations. This will include where performance standards are not being met or where changes to services are proposed as part of improvement plans.
Motivational skills to encourage collaborative working to improve performance where there may be resistance to change. Presents workshops to large groups of staff.
The postholder will need to work with a range of internal and external stakeholders relating to their portfolio. These will include:
The postholder will be responsible for informal and formal communication within, and external to, the ICB relating to their area of responsibility.
The PIA function will be an intelligence led function. The postholder will need to develop, interpret and act upon a range of complex information. This will include quantitative and qualitative data. It will include retrospective information as well as use of predictive models.
The post holder will need to present and engage upon this information to form plans and compare options regarding performance improvement
The postholder will use this information as a basis for engagement with relevant localities, system boards and providers to understand performance and agree improvement plans where this is required.
The postholder will use external sources of intelligence, particularly benchmarking information, to inform planning, developing options and decision making.
The PIA function works to a principle that the objectives of NHS GM should benefit all the populations of Greater Manchester. This means information should be presented and understood across geography, protected characteristics, deprivation and co-morbidity (where this might risk an inequity of outcome).
The postholder will work with autonomy, determining the priorities of themselves and their team. They will hold leadership responsibility for a portfolio of performance and improvement responsibilities. This will include national objectives as set out in annual planning documents and system oversight framework. It will also include ambitions set out in the Greater Manchester strategy and Joint forward plan.
The postholder will need to plan and organise a range of complex activities; formulates, adjust plans and strategies.
Planning will include monthly, quarterly, annual and multi-year time horizons. The postholder will focus on in-year planning and delivery. They will develop plans for new ways of working, facilitate collaborative working linked to performance and service improvement.
The postholder will need to understand national policy requirements; areas of best practice; local strategy and associated performance goals.
On a yearly basis there will need to be a plan for annual and longer term activities to secure ongoing performance achievement. This will be refreshed periodically through the course of the year as appropriate.
The postholder will need to agree the priorities and responsibilities of their team on an annual and monthly basis.
The postholder will support the Head of Performance and improvement to undertake the annual planning process including work with finance, workforce, strategy and quality.
The postholder will support the development and continuous development of the performance and improvement framework for NHS GM.
They will develop standard operating procedures for the range of activities for the team and their areas of responsibility. They will specifically include the basis for engagement with localities, system boards and provider organisations which set out roles and responsibilities; the means of liaison; and escalation. It will also include development of performance improvement planning arrangements. They will ensure these procedures are implemented for their portfolio and by their team.
The performance, improvement and assurance function is part of the Delivery directorate of NHS Greater Manchester Integrated Care (NHS GM).
The Performance, improvement and assurance function will assure and enable delivery of NHS GM objectives. Its responsibilities are:
Development and monitoring of performance frameworks
Agreement and monitoring of performance improvement plans to ensure delivery against key objectives
Generating insight and intelligence to understand and improve performance
Undertake assurance role linked to NHSE and ICB governance frameworks
Provider oversight and escalation
Annual and mid-year planning linked to national guidance
Long term view of sustainable delivery
The Performance, improvement and assurance function will deliver its responsibilities through.
A core GM team focussed on high level planning, assurance and performance improvement
Performance management and improvement built into locality and system board structures
Working across ICB and ICS to promote continuous improvement
The function is led by the Director of performance, improvement and assurance and is made up of three teams.
Performance analytics (part of NHS GM data, intelligence and insight function)
Performance and improvement
Planning and assurance
The Performance and Improvement manager will hold a senior role within the team. Key relationships will be with the localities and system boards who have responsibility for delivery of ICB and national objectives. The team will also work directly with provider organisations, including as part of the ICB's provider oversight role.
Specifically they will support the Head of Performance and improvement take responsibility for the following for their portfolio areas:-
o Contribution to performance and improvement and delivery of ICB commissioned services and objectives. Lead on a range of programmes addressing performance service issues.
o Support design performance frameworks linked to ICB objectives (national and locally determined)
o Improvement capacity and capability to support development and monitoring of performance improvement plans to deliver national planning requirements and GM objectives.
o Liaison with officers within localities, system boards and ICB directorates regarding performance and associated improvement plans
o Support provider intervention in line with escalation process in GM or as part of provider oversight model (SOF and Tiering)
o Liaison with other ICB functions e.g. quality and contracting, to identify, understand and act upon performance risk.
o Performance relating to providers outside of system board or locality scope.
o Contribute to the annual planning process.