This is a substantive Consultant Radiologist posts at Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust. This is fully funded and new/replacement post required to cover the needs of an expanding Radiology Department.
The successful applicant will collaborate with existing colleagues to deliver and enhance a comprehensive Radiology service supporting the imaging requirements of the Trust / Group and primary care services in the county. The appointee will be part of a wider team of consultant radiologists who provide sub-specialty and general radiological services across the Trust / Group. The post holders will be encouraged to have a sub-specialty interest and help shape the services in their respective fields of expertise. The post will be primarily based at NGH. The post holder may be required to work across site at KGH. If required, further speciality training can be provided on-site or by attendance at other centres.
All sub-speciality interests are welcome especially Nuclear Medicine and PET-CT, Paediatric, Musculoskeletal, Chest, Gastro-intestinal, Breast and Interventional Radiology. The post-holder will be encouraged to develop new services including interventional procedures pertaining to their area of interest.
The successful applicants will be expected to attend multidisciplinary team meetings in a sub- specialty of their interest and participate in the general radiology on-call rota. Office space with workstations and secretarial support will be provided. Workstations for reporting from home are also provided. Participation in the teaching and training of radiology registrars, radiographers and medical students is encouraged.
All consultants undergo yearly job planning review and appraisal organised by the Trust. Revalidation is in accordance with GMC regulations.
The post starts as a 10PA per week contract including MDT, on-call and basic SPA. Whilst the job plan is represented with 10 PA allocation the integration of specialist clinics and other interests will allow this to be increased up to a maximum of 12 PAs in line with NGH Trust policy. SPA allocation is a basic 1.5 PA for consultants with the possibility of increasing up to a further 1 PA with additional roles e.g. clinical leads, appraisal, educational supervision, teaching, research and management positions.
The post holder will contribute to the general radiology on-call rota. Currently oncall CT imaging after 8pm is outsourced. On-call frequency is 1:15 (weekend, Friday to Sunday) 1:14 Weekday (Monday-Thursday).
All consultants are encouraged to attend the monthly consultants meeting, regular REALMs
meetings and the bimonthly Medical Staff Committee meetings. Within the department there are subspecialty staff meetings. All consultants participate in relevant MDT meetings as part of their timetabled activity.
The successful candidate will be contractually accountable to Northampton General Hospital Trust for the provision of services. The appointee will be managerially responsible to the Chief Executive through the Medical Director and Clinical Director.
The appointee will be expected to participate in managerial and administrative work and should be aware of the broader context within the NHS in which consultants operate.