The post holder will work across the Inpatient and the Inreach Team and lead on the Physical Health pathway for the 2 services. The 22 bedded Healthcare Ward in HMP Pentonville which provides mental and physical healthcare to Prisoners transferred to the unit from elsewhere in the Prison due to their healthcare needs. The mental health inreach team works within the prison wings and provides a multifaceted model with elements of crisis intervention, brief assessment and intervention, long term case management and assertive outreach.
Act as lead nurse for a defined group (Physical Health Clients) of patients and liaises with the primary / associate nurses to ensure a consistent approach to delivering care.
Act as the lead nurse for PH pathway for the inreach team caseloads, organising clinics, datacollection as required and provide a holistic care approach to the clients.
Assess plan, implement and evaluate the care provided especially with regard to identifying andmanaging risk.
Encourage patients to accept an optimum level of responsibility for their individual programmes.
Works in partnership with Healthcare Officers & other healthcare Depts to ensure that patient'sneeds are addressed, and to maximise the time out of cell and range of activities available forpatients.
Contribute to develop strategies for dealing with disturbed behaviour especially the ability to recognise and respond to signs of imminent disturbance as required.
Assist the inpatients & inreach manager, the team and charge nurses in maintaining standards of care and participate in evaluation studies and projects as required.
Act as lead nurse for a defined group (Physical Health Clients) of patients.
liaise with the primary / associate nurses to ensure a consistent approach to delivering care.
Maintain records using electronic and paper based systems.
Works in partnership with Healthcare Officers & other healthcare Depts to ensure that patientsneeds are addressed,
Treat prisoners and patients with fairness and respect, maintaining confidentiality appropriately.
Assist the inpatients & inreach manager, the team and charge nurses in maintaining standards of care and participate in evaluation studies and projects as required.
To keep up to date with developments and research in mental health nursing and appliesrelevant to practice.