As a Registered Nurse you will be responsible for supporting your manager in ensuring that our service users' needs are met through the delivery of high-quality care. As a centre of excellence, you will offer a person-centred approach to their independence and well-being.
o Work as part of the EDCS and wider health and social care services, providing advanced clinical practice and upskilling of the frontline EDCS staff so that they can recognise when EDCS participants are becoming unwell and respond to their changing needs.o Provide an initial triage of the identified cohort to identify the appropriate pathways based on the individuals level of needs. Individuals may require whole person integrated care planning and care co-ordination or delegation of the care planning responsibility to an EDCS partner agency, if the patient does not present with complex health needs at that point.o Provide education and support to individuals, their families and EDCS to promote self-care strategies and independence, and to develop multi-disciplinary informed personalised treatment and management plans for their health condition, including planning interventions for fluctuations in health status.o Step patients down to routine health, social care and other community services once care plans have been embedded, self-care optimised, and admission risks reduced and/or another professional has taken on the care co-ordination role.
You will work with patients on the caseload to remain independent within their own home environment, providing proactively support, clinical interventions/support and care planning.
o Complete comprehensive holistic assessment using clinical skills and knowledge, to interpret a range of complex clinical findings to develop appropriate, treatment / care plans intervention and evaluation of the patients in the service.
o Use clinical knowledge to identify changing or deteriorating health conditions and to educate patients and families to recognise these signs and refer to appropriate health services.
o Liaise with relevant professionals i.e. GP, pharmacist, specialist professionals, when medication review.
o Develop a personalised care plan with each patient, including their carers, relatives and health and social care professionals as appropriate, based on a full assessment of medical, nursing and social care needs. Each plan containing preventative strategies to prevent crisis occurring for known risks identified by the individual's health and or social circumstances, and where applicable identifies wishes for end-of-life care.
o Involve people with dementia, their relatives and carers, EDCS and other appropriate stakeholders in the planning and delivery of services. Advocating for the patient in order to obtain optimal treatment and symptom control, thereby improving quality of life, co-ordinating solutions designed around the needs of the service user.
The Candidate Pack provides an overview of the key tasks and responsibilities of the role, and the person specification outlines the qualifications, skills, experience and knowledge required. Please view as attached
The person specification below is not the full person specification, but outlines the criteria against which your application form will be assessed.