This is an exceptional career opportunity for an experienced, high calibre pharmacy technician looking to further advance their career and develop clinical skills within Clinical Trials services at St George's University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. The post holder will need to be flexible and organised, be able to align their values with those of the organisation, work well within a team and have a 'can do' positive attitude.
We are looking for a highly motivated and enthusiastic pharmacy technician to make a difference and ensure the best outcomes for our patients. The post holder will work to ensure the continued provision and development of high quality, comprehensive clinical trials services to patients. We will provide the successful candidate with a comprehensive induction covering all aspects of Trust work, support from senior pharmacy staff and an environment to develop further.The Pharmacy Service at St George's is highly regarded across the Trust, with over 270 staff members working closely with multidisciplinary teams. The department is friendly, forward thinking and constantly expanding with opportunities for personal and service development including further postgraduate education.
o Support the Lead Pharmacy Technician on all aspects of the Clinical Trials service including operational, financial, manufacturing and professional.o Support pharmacy research governance.o Ensure compliance with the legal regulations pertaining to clinical trials, manufacturing and the implementation of Good Clinical Practice (ICH-GCP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP).o Provide supervision and professional leadership to the staff rotating in the clinical trials team.o Assist the Lead Pharmacy Technician in generating weekly rotas for the Clinical Trials Pharmacy.o Ensure the quality and safety of research activities and to ensure research is conducted according to Health and Safety regulations and COSHH including handling of cytotoxic agents, antiretroviral (HIV) drugs, biohazardous wastes (e.g. genetically modified microorganisms) and clinical waste for destruction.o Complete the required aseptic or non-touch technique training for supporting Clinical Research Facility (CRF) staff in drawing up / preparation (using aseptic non-touch techniques) and checking of clinical trials doses prepared by others within CRF.
The successful applicant will enjoy working in a busy challenging environment, be able to manage multiple priorities and deliver against tight deadlines.
Please see the attached supporting document which contains more information about the role