This is an exciting time to join the dynamic and forward-thinking team of gastroenterologists at Musgrove Park Hospital.
We run a comprehensive gastroenterology and hepatology service for West Somerset, with over 4,500 new outpatient referrals annually. We are also the regional hub for the NHS bowel cancer screening programme and offer a wide range of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures within a friendly DGH setting.
We have recently received substantial investment from NHS England, which has enabled us to purchase state of the art endoscopic equipment for all our procedure rooms.
The trust is currently undergoing significant modernisation with a new £80 million surgical centre/critical care build ( completion due 2025), incorporating a new endoscopy suite on the Musgrove Park Hospital site.
The hospital has an excellent reputation regionally for teaching and training, provides a number of region wide services and has a truly patient centred care focus throughout the organisation supported by excellent managers and a dedicated clinically run Improvement Network. Our services are highly rated by patients, families and stakeholders and the hospital provides an incredibly friendly supportive and collegiate atmosphere to work in.
We will consider sub-specialty interests which align with departmental requirements - candidates are encouraged to discuss in advance specific areas of interest and departmental needs.
The Gastroenterology Department at Musgrove Park Hospital offers unique opportunities to both new and existing consultants:
The gastroenterology team recognises that many individuals who have recently completed specialist training have not had sufficient time to fully develop their skills in endoscopy and in other areas. We are fully committed to post-CCT development and would welcome candidates who wish to further develop their rang of clinical skills. We have a strong track record in this area already with two recent appointees being supported with paid time and additional resources to learn Endoscopic Ultrasound, and Advanced Colonoscopy (Inc. large polyps). Furthermore, we have supported individuals who wish to develop as BCS Endoscopists.
Medical Team
At Musgrove Park Hospital we have re-configured the medical team, re-allocating unspent budget to develop a highly successful Clinical Fellow team (F3+) and to bring in non-HEE registrars. This has meant a significant improvement in distribution of service activity, with subsequent enhanced opportunities for training. This has improved productivity and job satisfaction for doctors and consultants.
Following substantial post-COVID investment by NHS England, Endoscopy at Musgrove Park Hospital is extremely well established with state of the art equipment in 6 rooms, 3 of which at the Bridgwater site including a dedicated nasal OGD/GO physiology suite.
Routine diagnostic endoscopy is predominately delivered by non-medical Endoscopists, or as training lists for gastroenterology registrars. Because of substantial historic investment and ongoing training and support, consultants are able to be freed up to perform more complex procedures, interventional endoscopy and are also able to deliver intensive training programmes. Recent successes included trainees moving from novice to accredited independent upper GI Endoscopists in 6 months, and trainees performing in excess of 100 training colonoscopies in a year.
Investment in training and equipment has further developed the skills of existing consultants .
For more information, please watch the following video: