The post holder is responsible for ensuring the quality and effectiveness of the NHS Cervical Screening Programme (NHSCSP) within UHL by overseeing and co-ordinating all the aspects in line with NHSCSP guidelines. This will require a thorough knowledge and understanding of NHSCSP pathways. Persons likely to be able to fulfil the role are:
Consultant cellular pathologists
Non-training grade experienced senior colposcopists or consultant colposcopists
Laboratory lead biomedical scientists (BMS) or consultant BMS
Senior nurse colposcopists or lead colposcopy nurses
Designed administrative support (0.3 WTE) will be provided
Job Plan
Responsible for individual caseload within the 0.2 WTE session including
0.15 x WTE CSPL activities
0.05 x meetings and SPA activity (research/ audit/ EQA/ mandatory training/ CPD)
To act as the centre for communications about the NHS Cervical screening programme; coordinating relevant histology and colposcopy and advising Trust management on cervical screening matters
To ensure that laboratory and colposcopy performance complies with NHS Cervical Screening Programme guidelines and standards and take appropriate action where they do not. This includes ensuring that appropriate links are maintained between general practices, the laboratory and colposcopy clinic/ clinics and that suitable, timely treatment is available for women with cervical cytology abnormalities.
The post holder will be required to develop and maintain effective working relationships with:
Deputy Cervical Screening Provider Lead
CSPL administrative support
Leads for gynaecology, colposcopy and histopathology
Gynaecological cytology / virology leads at off site testing laboratory
Clinical lead for cancer services
Deputy Medical Director and other Trust senior managers
Trust business, legal and contracting personnel
CMG Boards
Public Health England (PHE) Screening Quality Assurance Service (SQAS)
NHS Englands local screening and immunisation team
Local Community and Sexual Health Clinics
Primary Care