Elizabeth Court is a 27 bed unit, we are dedicated at providing care and treatment for older people with dementia and mental health needs. This is an opportunity for you to join a team that is providing high standard person-centered care. Leadership skills, effective time management and integrated working skills are essential, as are excellent communication skills and a commitment to the principles of effective team working.
The post holder will be responsible for the supervision of junior staff and students, as well as contributing to departmental projects and Trust improvement projects.
We will support you in developing your clinical skills. We are committed to developing staff through regular supervision, appraisals, support in CPD and opportunities for career progression
The Charge Nurses' key role is to provide local clinical leadership to the team under the direction of the team leader.
The Charge nurse will:Be responsible for the assessment, planning, implementation andevaluation of care for service users.Be required to teach other nursing and non-nursing personnel.Be a role model through their own good practise.Be responsible for maintaining clinical standards, and team systemsunder the direction of the team leader.Assist the team leader in maintaining effective team workingprocesses, including outcome measures.Be expected to deputise for the Team Leader in their absence.To manage the ward/unit resources and clinical environment duringtheir shift.
All staff should comply with the Trust's Anti-Discriminatory Statement, EmployeeCharter, Trust Policies and Procedures, Code of Conduct and Equality and Diversity.Key Relationships:The post holder must foster good working relationship with all grades of staffwithin the MDT and the wider Trust.The post holder should be friendly but maintain professional approach andbehaviour.
Will act as a clinical expert in their service area. This means keeping clinicallyup to date, being able to assess service users thoroughly, plan care rigorously,and audit and evaluate nursing interventions based on evidence and locallyagreed protocols and policies.Will co-ordinate all co-workers assigned to his\her service user group and will ensure they are fully conversant with all aspects regarding the service users care and treatment.Will identify the individual care needs of allocated service users, plan,implement and evaluate all care programs in conjunction with the unitsnursing team and the MDT.Will maintain close liaison with all department\staff involved in a service users care and report on progress and effectiveness to the MDT.Will lead and/or participate in ward rounds, case conference, etc and willprepare reports on service users as required.Will be aware of all policy documents and legal requirements pertinent to the post and ensure that these are adhered to.Will demonstrate and serve as an example for all clinical activities toappropriate grades of staff.Leadership and Staff Management ResponsibilityWill exercise leadership and develop a good working relationship withcolleagues in the MDT and the unit as a whole.To ensure that the Trust policies/procedures, NMC guidelines and protocolsare adhered to at all times.To monitor and review sickness/absence, in partnership with the WardManager.To participate in the recruitment and selection of junior staff.To participate in positive, regular clinical supervision and formal appraisalsystems in line with the Trust policy.To contribute to the orientation/induction programs for new staff and to the training/development programs for all staff and students.Ensuring the physical environment is conducive to developing and maintaining a therapeutic environment consistent with the well being of both service-users and staff.To develop regular teaching sessions within the clinical environment.To act as mentors to student nurses, providing ongoing support.Will be required to act up in the absence of the Ward Manager.To take charge of the Unit as required.Supervision, Professional Development, Training & EducationTo receive and deliver clinical supervision and participate in appraisal andperformance development.To adhere to the NMC Code of Professional Conduct for Nursing.To ensure attendance at all the Trust essential training.To identify personal development needs and set personal developmentobjectives in discussion with the Team Leader.To work towards achieving competencies outlined within role and the collectionof evidence within personal portfolio.To contribute to the experience of learners and to ensure the delivery ofmentorship requirements, meeting NMC standards for nursing students.To ensure the development of an environment that is conducive to learning,promoting staff development and involvement.To teach registered and non-registered staff, including students, in all aspects of professional nursing as required.Be responsible for developing own skills and knowledge and contribute to the development of others.Work in collaboration with the Team Leader to monitor and regulate training and development of all staff to ensure:All mandatory training is undertaken and recorded.Monitor and regulate study leave to ensure consistency and equality.All staff are competent in relevant care skills as set out in thecompetency framework.
CommunicationsTo be an effective communicator and the service area hub. The Charge Nurse is the link between service area staff, service users, their relatives and professional visitors to the service area (such as members of the MDT). It includes being an advocate for the service area staff and the for the service users.To maintain a positive working relationship and clear communications withteam members and other professionals.To manage concerns/complaints with the appropriate people effectively.To ensure clinical information are shared with the appropriate staff.Providing a framework which is conducive to high morale, effectivecommunication and where staff is encouraged to contribute fully.Effective reporting and communication with line managers and multidisciplinary team regarding patient care, incidents, health and safety issues and service deficits.