An exciting opportunity has risen to join the fantastic radiology team at Princess of Wales Hospital located in Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board with sessions in PETIC in Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.
Work will be undertaken on both hospital sites, covering both general and subspecialist work.
We are welcoming enthusiastic candidates who must be within their 6 months of obtaining a CCT in Radiology at the time of interview or who are eligible for entry on the Specialist Register.
Welsh and/or English speakers are equally welcome to apply.
Cwm Taf Morgannwg UHB provides comprehensive Radiology services to the local population. The successful candidate will be expected to provide all aspects of Core Radiology with subspecialist interest in nuclear medicine and PET imaging with a further subspecialty welcome. Sessions will take place at the Positron Emission Tomography imaging Centre (PETIC) in Cardiff. Regular attendance and contribution to the Multidisciplinary meetings is expected. The successful applicant is expected to take an active role in education within the Health Board.
Please see detailed job description provided, outlining the expectations and main duties of this role.